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Adult Christian Education opportunities at Great Valley Presbyterian Church aim to:


  • Empower disciples to hunger for the truth found in God’s Word and to obey its teachings.

  • Engage all people in the process of becoming more Christ-like.

  • Equip followers of Jesus to serve the Kingdom both in the church and in the community.

  • Enrich relationships within our body of Christ as we study, fellowship, and grow together.


To accomplish this goal, we provide Sunday morning classes that follow a Bible Track (touching on the whole counsel of God) and a Discipleship Track (allowing for teaching and training in application of Scripture).

Bible Track
Three Prophetic Messages to God's People

May - June 2024

Join us as we take a look at God’s Word spoken through three prophets: Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai. In these ancient texts that are often neglected, we will hear: 


  1. A call to persevere by waiting on the Lord, 

  2. A call to live in light of the coming Day of the Lord, and finally 

  3. A call to reexamine our priorities in light of God’s.  

  4. ​

Join Keith Fink, Sandy Haney, Jason Heindl, and Paul Reader as they lead us through these short prophetic books.

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Discipleship Track

May - June 2024

“In this world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world (John 16:33).”


An overcomer is defined as “someone who prevails.” If we are going rise above the attacks from the world we face, endure until the end, and finish the course, we must overcome the challenges we find on our Christian walk. We will face times of turmoil, persecution and tragedy, but it is our reaction to those difficult times that determines everything. In our Lord’s letter to us in His Revelation, He told us “I know your works” and “I know where you dwell,” but at the same time he gave wonderful promises to “he who is overcoming.” We will explore what it means to “stand firm,” to “keep my works” and be an “overcomer.”

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